The national school of engineers through a graduate student in material mechanics will preside over L-FRII for the coming two years.
The project L-FRII launched on April 17, 2012 in Lomé by a group of Togolese public and private university students grouped in an association named Learning Free Association (L.F.A.) has as objective the promotion of academic excellence and entrepreneurship of young people, students and graduates through new technologies.
Francis Kokou Edem Adokanou studied in the national school of engineers (ENSI) in Togo before going for a doctorate program in the specialty of science and material engineering at the center of excellence CEMEF (Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux) of Mines Paristech (Ecole des Mines de Paris). He lives currently in Nice and sometimes in Lomé.
The vision of the new mandate is inscribed in the same line as the one of the former president Brice Kobla Akogo, master student in medicine (FMMP) at Université de Lomé (Togo).
The presidency of L-FRII is a two-year (2) mandate which cannot be tried again by Togolese public and private university students that are members of L.F.A.