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406-youthThe ‘Wall of theCitizen’is interested inan evilthat plagues the society in this edition.It is about CORRUPTION and BRIBERY. What iscorruption?What are theirimpactson the society? These are some of the few questions that will help to understandhowit is importantto give up thisbad practice.

Corruption istheperversion, the diversion of a processor an interactionwithone or more personsfor the purpose of obtainingbenefits orspecial prerogatives for the briber in one hand, oron the other hand, for the corruptto obtaincompensationin return for hiskindness.Itgenerally leads topersonal enrichmentof thecorruptorto the enrichment of the briberorganization.

Corruptionmay relate to anyperson endowed with thepower of decision, whether a politician, a civil servant,an executive manager,a doctor, a referee orsport person, a unionistor an organizationto which they belong.

Corruption issubjectivebut it stillbreaksthe boundaryof law andmorality.Indeed, we can distinguish active briberyfrom passive bribery. The active briberyconsists in suggestingmoney orservices to aperson who holdspowerin exchange foran undue advantage. The passive briberyconsists in acceptingthe money suggested.The briberoften takes apositive action whereasthe bribedismostlythe passiveactor.
A classical exampleis that of apolitician whoreceives moneypersonally orfor his political partyfroma civil engineering companyand in turngives apublicmarket to him.The politiciancould be accusedof passive bribery: he receivedthe money, whereasthe company canbeaccused of active bribery. However, ifthis politicianmanages an associationora corporate foundation, the payment of the money willbeconsideredas an ‘indirectbribery’or as an ‘additional contribution’ of the others.

The phrase “give a bribe” appears in the early sixteenthcentury with avery innocentconnotationwhich simplymeant «to give a tip.” This bribecouldbe either theliquid itself(wine or beer), a few coins that represent only asymbolic value.

Over the centuries, this actionhas taken a morenegative connotationandhas become synonymous withinequality andbribery.The value of this”bribe”has taken on amuch moresignificantvalue, whether monetaryor materialdesignated by theterm”bribery”.
Corruption is amisuse ofpowergranted by delegationforprivate purposesaspersonal enrichmentora third party (family, friend …). Itis fora public official,an elected official,a doctor, a sport referee, aprivate companyemployee…torefrain from doing and facilitatingsomethingbecause of itsoccupation, in exchange for a promise, agift,a sum ofmoney,and various advantages. We can mentionamong other forms ofcorruption,bribes, fraud, misappropriation of public funds, nepotism, and competition distortion.Corruption and briberyare illegalpracticesthat can lead tofines andimprisonmentof the peopleworking in public service.

Corruption and bribery violate theprinciple of equality anddistortcompetitionin that theytendtocorruptat the expense ofothers, some favours that they cannottake advantage of. The fact that a person givesa bribewould allow him toescapethe crackdowneven though he would have committeda wrongdoing.Corruption and bribery thencreatecollateral damagesfor thosewho wantto remainin them. They would allow according to some situations, to preferably favoursomepatients at the hospital; to put the realdeserving people in the background during an examination; orlegitimize these practicesprohibitedby law.

Inviewofall that are happening,thecitizen must thereforebreak withcorruption and bribery practices. He mustnot allow himself or herselfto be an actorof corruption,whether active orpassive. In doing so,all the citizens will havethe sameopportunities of success andthe same reasons for their failure. Therefore, there should not be any discriminationinthe handling of the application forms, inthe verbalization ofroad usersor inproviding a service to one person instead of another.