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Togo : ASKY AIRLINES recrute pour plusieurs postes (6 avril 2021)


ASKY AIRLINES is recruiting qualified students for Pilots training



Be “High School graduate” and holder of series CDEF “A Level”(Baccalauréat);

Be third year student (second year completed and validated) of an engineering , IT or a Technical 3rd Degree School;

Or have completed a course of study sanctioned by BAC+2 or BTS in a scientific or technical education;

Read, understand and speak English that is to be justified with a mark equal to/or more than 12 over 20 at their A Level (Baccalauréat) or a recent exam of their academic institution ;

Have a medical class 1 aptitude issued by an approved doctor of Civil Aviation (prerequisite at the final selection , before the training.) .

Be at least 18 years old and at most 23 years old

Send your application to the following address:

–          BP 2988 LOME – Togo or

–          Email:  [email protected]

The application must include:

–          a letter of motivation

–          A curriculum vitae

–          A copy of birth certificate

–          A copy of certificate of nationality

–          Copies of all diplomas and certificates

Only selected candidates will be contacted

The requirements for applications, which you can send to Human Resources no later than Thursday, April 8, are herewith enclosed.

Please note that the selection conditions are strictly similar for all applicants and also that partial self-funding will be required from parents.

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