A two-day seminar is launched this Tuesday, 29th July 2014 at the auditorium of Université de Lomé in order to look for skills’ strategy for Togo with the theme: ‘Higher Education and the labor market: what strategy of competence for Togo?’
This seminar is co-organized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche ‘Ministry of Higher Educationand Research’aims at findingthroughexchanges new waysthat will serve as abeacon to higher educationand research system towards training andpromotionof useful skillsfor the development ofTogo.
After several evaluations of the Togolese higher educational system through Projet d’Appui à l’Enseignement Supérieur ‘project in support to higher education’ (PAES) in the WAEMU (West African Economic and Monetary Union) countries, the Rapport d’Etat du Système Educatif National (RESEN) ‘state report of national educational system’, AKAM report on information and communication technology applied to higher education …, this research project is to gather a new momentum to adequacy prospects for training/job/development.
This study willfind ways andmeansto raise the levelof academic qualifications, coordinate the training offered andresearch strategyand innovation, enhance synergies andstimulate thetransferof research resultstothesocio-economic development ofTogo.Itwill revolve aroundthree main issues:develop appropriateskills,mobilizethese skills anduse theme efficiently.
Togo is one of the few countries non-members of the OECD but which benefits from the expertise of this development center. This center created since May 1961, has been helping developing countries and emerging economies to find innovative solutions to promote economic growth and fight against poverty and inequality.