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Le musicien Ebow Graham décède dans un accident domestique


Le musicien britannique Ebow Graham plus connu sous le nom de Metroplis est décédé à l’âge de 41 ans. Le membre-fondateur du groupe de crossover électronique hip-hop a rendu l’âme suite à un accident dans sa maison.

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À travers, des messages sur Twitter, ses collègues témoignent : « C’est avec le cœur le plus lourd que nous vous informons que nous avons perdu notre frère Ebow Graham alias Metropolis alias Elliott Yorke hier soir. »

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« Ebow signifiait tellement pour tant de gens, un vrai poète et MC, un père incroyable, doué, humble, mais élégant pour un  Son héritage se perpétue par son énergie, son amour et sa passion, et par son fils Cassius », ont –ils martelé. 

Par ailleurs, le groupe a lancé une page de collecte de fonds pour recueillir des fonds pour le fils d’Ebow, Cassius, 10 ans.


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Dear friends, it is with the heaviest heart we inform you that our brother Ebow Enyan Graham suffered from an accident at home, and passed away in the early hours yesterday morning. Ebow was a deep and peaceful soul, a dedicated and loving father to beautiful 10yr old Cassius, and who touched people with his warmth, insight, talent and generosity everywhere he went. In his recent years, he had been on a spiritual journey and had really been exploring his relationship with existence and the universe, only last week he was in a very serene and happy place with his life, family and artistic vision. Some of the last words we heard him say were ’The only way humanity will heal is when it understands that we are all Gaia and truly understand we are all one’. These words couldn’t ring truer for us, even in light of his passing. Ebow meant so much to so many people, a true poet and MC, an incredible father, gifted, humble, yet stylish to a T… His legacy lives on through his energy, love and passion, and through his son Cassius. We feel privileged to have spent most of our 20s and 30s in his company, enjoying life, making music, and travelling the world together. As we process this we find it hard to believe that we will never talk, share a joke, eat together, appreciate music, debate points of view, discuss the world, rock a crowd, or laugh together again. We have set up a Just Giving account to support the family, and to help towards Cass’ future. Please take a sec to drop something in there as every little bit makes a difference. With love Pavan, James, Matt, Pravin, Mario & Tuhin Rest In Peace Ebow Enyan Graham 1979 – 2020

Une publication partagée par Foreign Beggars (@foreignbeggars) le

Pour rappel, les circonstances de sa mort prématurée ne sont pas encore connues.